Wednesday 13 April 2011

Magnum Opus

With all the free time off college I have over easter (two frikkin' weeks!) I've found myself returning to the multitude of neglected projects I have scattered around my dusty bedroom. Cheif among these long loved yet long unfulfilled projects was a bit of fan prose I started around mid-2008. I used to the collect Warhammer 40k (before the lack of money and GW's "evil-corporation" syndrome got the better of me) and I used to collect the Imperial Guard. One of the greatest things I loved about the ol' IG was they were an army rich with flavour (especially post-Guants Ghosts). Myself and many fellow IG players on the IGMB liked to compare GW's army set-up to the Shephard family from Silent Hill: Homecoming. The Space Marines were Josh, Dark Eldar were Alex with (in order ascending from Alex) Witch Hunters, Deamonhunters, Necrons, Eldar, Tyranids, Imperial Guard, Orks and Chaos Space Marines inbetween. SMurfs were the army that GW spolied with toys, attention and theme-park outings. Most of all, only a few sub-factions therein really seemed to stand apart (notably Space Wolves and Black Templars).

The Imperial Guard, being arguably the only "human" faction had endless variation on what you could do with them thematically and still keep it fluff friendly. With this, back in the dark days of 4th edition I created my army (at the time a complete rip-off of Guants Ghosts) the Monian 37th, a stealthing commando army I lost every game with. But even after my departure from the actual hobby, I have continued to develop their character and backstory. Even with the game itself being being flayed to peices by idiot codex writers and pointless codex releases, I still love the flexibility and depth of the the Warhammer 40k universe.

So now we return from that small tangent to this prose project I started September 2008 about my Monian 37th regiment. Writing of it slowed down around September 2009 and until now, any efforts to work on it by myself have been a real occassion. With work picking up now I've decided to start redrafting the earlier sections and modify the plot to be alot more structured and thought out. The initial run I just threw plot points in all over the court and hoped they'd eventually reach some sort of cohesion. Now I'm alot firmer in where I want the story to go and feel passionate enough to give my magnum opus the love and attention it deserves. Watch this space.

You can see the original IGMB thread for the initial run of the story here.

Two more items, one, a new episode of The Citizens Mind (sort of):

This is really just techdemo/writing excercise. See the description and all will be explained.

Finally, to sign off, what I'm listening to at the time of writing (horraynobodycares!!!):

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